California Dental, Don’t Loss Your Teeth to Periodontal Disease.
Periodontal disease claims more teeth then tooth decay.
However with proper preventive dental care at home and good oral habits you can reduce your changes of having periodontal disease. Proper prevention the key to good oral health. Healthy dental care habits is critical in preventing gum disease. Regular and effective tooth brushing, Using a tartar control mouthwash and daily flossing are the first at home steps you can take to good oral heath.
Good dietary habits also help to keep healthy teeth and gums. Reduce the intake of of sugar. You can do this by avoiding snack and drinks with sugar other then natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables. When eating food that have added sugars, you will want to follow up by brushing your teeth.
Smoking plays a can cause chronic periodontal disease. So for smokers, quitting is one of the most important steps toward regaining periodontal health.